On account it's the holiday, and I don't have ONE original thought left, lol...I've stolen this MeMe from
Dorothy who stole it from DebR, yadda, yadda...please feel free to follow the trail.
Do you own a gun? No.
What do you think of hot dogs? The more mustard, the merrier. They MUST be Omaha Steak's version too btw. Grilled to a crisp.
What’s your favorite Christmas song? I must be getting cynical, "Momma Got Run Over by a Reindeer," came to mind first.
What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Starbucks fresly ground Verona. One Splenda, thank you very much.
Can you do push-ups? Yes actually, I'm good for 10.
What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? My diamond studs my dh gave to me the first time we met.
What is your secret weapon to lure the opposite sex? My smile? Dunno.
Middle name? Jean
Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment:
1. Wish I was closer to the space heater
2. I've had my oatmeal, now let's blow this popstand!
3. Are we there yet?
Name 3 drinks you regularly drink:
1. Coffee, coffee, coffee.
What time did you wake up today? 4:53am - digital clocks are the worst!
Current hate? Never
Dislike? Frequently, lol. As to
what? My own self-image, when I know I ain't
that bad!
Favorite place to be? I ditto Dorothy, behind the wheel. I love to drive!
Least favorite place to be? In a dirty public bathroom.
Where would you like to go? Arizona, and did I mention, are we there yet?
Do you own slippers? Yes, blue knitted ones by moi.
What shirt are you wearing? My green fluffy terrycloth bathrobe, nope, haven't gotten rid of it yet!
Do you burn or tan? Burn & peel
Favorite color(s)? Blue baby blue...never waivering.
Would you be a pirate? Yeah, especially if I could be like Rupert on Survivor, argh!
What is your favorite holiday? My birthday, I get to be selfish with a license
What songs do you sing in the shower? From Sesame Street, "That's why I sing, sing in the bathtub, cuz I like the way my voice sounds so loud and clear!" (Yeah, I never get the words right!)
What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? Ants and crawly things.
What’s in your pockets right now? Hopefully not the used tissue I'm so famous for leaving. (I'm not the one who does the wash.
Last thing that made you laugh? dh and I both selecting the same random letter for a computer drive as "Q", ok so I'm weird!
Best bed sheets as a child? anything fresh from the laundry line
Worst injury you’ve ever had? Toboggan hit & run, 6" stitches and LOTS of hair shaved off while a sophomore in a new high school, new city, etc.
Are your parents still together? Both are deceased, 1985, 1997
Do you wish on shooting stars? ABSOLUTELY
What is your favorite book(s)? Bridges of Madison County, Tuesdays with Morrie
What is your favorite candy? Thats a toughy, Payday or Heath.
What song did you have played at your wedding? Eloped in a park. Does that make the music "The birds-n-bees?"
How is the weather outside right now? 38º, partly cloudy and ridiculously cold
What was your first thought this morning when you woke up? WHY isn't the heater on by now?
Consider yourself tagged, if you wish.
Mostly, I just want to wish you a Happy Holiday and wonderful New Year for 2007.