Tuesday, May 02, 2006

First of the Season

Can you smell them?

The house definately smells delicious while the berries are drying in the dehydrater!

We bought these on Saturday afternoon, at the first roadside stand I've seen this season. I hope to do about four more flats. It yielded two sandwich size baggies jammed full of dried strawberries. They will be awesome in our morning hot cereal.

I have a blast with the dehydrater. I've done beef jerky and fruit leather...not to mention bushels of apples. I couldn't ever keep up with the apples with the kids around. Big or little, they'd keep taste testing!

If you've tried the dehydrater, bring on the recipes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They will be even more awesome in a box on there way to cincinnati.... you have the address ;-)